Station Station

Saturday, April 30, 2005

Requirement for English teachers at Happy Global Ltd.

"The instructor will be required to travel between Iwade and Kokawa by 50cc motor scooter - a distance of around ten km. A motor scooter will be provided for this purpose."

For some reason I picture it being red. Then I try to imagine myself driving to "Happy Global" English school everyday on my 50cc red motor scooter and it's too funny to be real.

Friday, April 29, 2005

Originally uploaded by jubilee1.
Yes, the party will be right down the street, just around the corner... 317 East Gorham, #1... June 11th. Mark it on your calendar Mr. neighbor... Yes, it will be for my birthday and I'm sure you'll have a great time... now if you'll excuse me, I'm a bit chilly and quite damp.


Originally uploaded by perplespoon.
I stole this photo from Jamon's comupter last night while he was drunk.

I think... I think... I think... I think that my sister told me the most awful story I've ever heard. If you wanna hear it, you need to ask me because it is too awful to post. And I think... I think... I think... Marla smells so amazing. Its a soft floral scent... I think she's using perfumes too woo me these days. Ever since Elliot came to 317 #1 she's been outstandingly affectionate... we like to listen to the radio together at bedtime now. She seems to be really interested in the radio documentaries and essays I am so fond of. She really liked the one on the destruction of the Amazon, and the one about homophobia and the term "sissy". I also think that I am so glad Mr. So and so called just before the two week mark, because that ment that Lisa lost the bet too (it was like a community thing, only 1 person out of 5 could actually win, depending on the date) and Lisa brought her cupcakes to work last night, and they were LEMON! they had little dinosaur cupcake wrappers and dinosaur sprinkles. I feel that these were the best cupcakes I've EVER had. I think... we should experiment with lemon cupcake mix at station station.. unbelieveable. (Matt's going to bring in cheesecake on Sat... EVERYBODY WINS!)

Thursday, April 28, 2005



Thank god the fire hydrant is around to spank me. Since you wont. You know?

Originally uploaded by mmmollie.
Oh the fire hydrant. Why doesn't anyone want to bathe in it with me? We should all treasure the amazing 2 nights a year when water shoots out on to the street like demons escaping from hell. What it you know? Getting blasted by icy cold water in 35 degree water. makes a girl feel alive. If I didn't do it I would regret it. Me to the park ranger in his pickup: "Uh. Yeah HI! would you mind if I walked into that water?" Park RANGER: "Shit! you can take a bath in it all night... I don't care." Me: "OKAY!" and I did. and I have proof. suckas! Then we saw our neighbors gawking and I had a little chat with them. Asked if they wanted to join me... they didn't. Then I invited them to my birthday party. I think they're gonna come.

FURTHERMORE. Lindsay. It's good to have a friend who wonders where I am late at night and stays up for me. I love you.

Eeeeeeeeeeee! fall 2005. fire hydrant. be there.

This is a very normal place for Elliot to be.

Originally uploaded by mmmollie.
Thank god Marla loves Elliot enough to clean him.

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

You Going to that Big Party on Mifflin Street This Weekend?

A guy casually said that to me on the way out of Walgreens, but didn't wait for my answer because he had to run away as soon as we got outside. At first I thought that was quite rude, to ask a question and then just run away, but when I saw the store manager burst outside behind us and yell, "Ay! fuc---" and the inquisitor was gone, down the street, very fast on his feet. That's when I realized he was holding his jacket closed with both hands in order to conceal some very special pieces of stolen merchandize. He ran so fast that the manager could do nothing but swear again and go inside. Maybe he called the by-then useless cops. I wonder what the guy took. Chips? Condoms? Shampoo? I bet it was chips.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Cheetos are for suckas.

When you eat a cheeto it gets sticky and then stuck in your teeth. Your fingers become covered in neon orange powder... then you get the powder on your clean dress and your mom yells at you.

Pringles are the new Cheetos.

Last night I slept on the futon, and when I woke up I recalled my first few weeks at station station. Sleeping on the futon... with all of my blankets... certain person... memories are fond. I do not believe I will be sleeping on the futon any longer. Such memories make a girl long for the past... never a good thing when she must live for today.

My bed is the new futon.

I would like to purchase A Series of Unfortunate Events... I enjoy the film...

A Series of Unfortunate Events is the new Batman.

(a very attractive man just sat next to me. woah.)

Number One Fans...

Numba One Fans
Originally uploaded by perplespoon.
Number One Roommates

Monday, April 25, 2005

Captel is one of those jobs where you take your work home with you.

correction correction correction.


Originally uploaded by jubilee1.
Happy monday. Please hold while your call is being reconnected.

What evil lies in the hearts of men? The shadow knows.

Big and swell. Erin and I have made our plans for the future together. Next May... after we graduate, we're going to move station station to Chicago... this way Elliot and Marla can stay together, and we can go to Happy Fish Place EVERY DAY! In fact. We're going to learn Spanish and WORK at Happy Fish Place. Then we're going to hang out with Alexis and eat cheese/ drink wine. Buenos Dias!

Last night I listened to radio shows from the 30s and 40s... for crying out loud... I have had way too much coffee this morning. god damn captel cups are so big... oye!

After I tire of working at Happy Fish Place I am going to be a radio personality. Or a cook on television. I have big dreams. I want to work for imagination theater.

AND! This morning around 5am... (I'm not sure if I drempt this up or not...) I heard on the radio... (I fell asleep with WPR on last night)... that people can hibernate... something about needing 90% less Oxygen... if they mentally put themselves into a state of hibernation-being-such and such. THIS is what I must be doing when I breathe under-water. (I've told everyone I can breathe under-water... right...?... cause I can.) THIS IS OUTSTANDING. I've always wondered how I could do it... and now... I know.

sigh. Hope everyone likes the photos. Off to CAPTEL!

Woman Vitamins for bad hangover.

Woman Vitamins for bad hangover.
Originally uploaded by mmmollie.

pffffft. silly kids.

Mike gets lucky.
Originally uploaded by mmmollie.

my job. sigh.

my job. sigh.
Originally uploaded by mmmollie.

my job. sigh sigh.

my job. sigh sigh.
Originally uploaded by mmmollie.

my job. sigh sigh sigh.

my job. sigh sigh sigh.
Originally uploaded by mmmollie.

I believe my booty is totally spank-worthy. anna.

Friday, April 22, 2005


Adam. The pie. awesome. The note. Even better. "This pie is hereby the property of the distinguished Mollie Gove. May any who would attempt to defile said pastry suffer 1000 vicious nibbles at the teeth of the notorious squirrels of vengence. 'nuff said."

Linnnnnzzzz. Great BIRTHDAY! Let's do it again sometime.

Erin. My heart pours out to you. We are going to need a lawn mower.

4.21------- I had a busy day yesterday. I went to school, went to work... (took in the birds. will post pictures Jen took... very funny) came home, cooked "Joy Lueders amazing birthday dinner" w/ Erin, wrapped supreme gift, "frosted" the "cake" hah hah hah, sang the Birthday song, 50 million plus super.

At work last night a mom and her little boy (maybe 3yrs old) came in, and the boy was sobbing, and the mom said that they had a "tragic balloon accident" and I asked what I could do to help, and turns out his red balloon had flown away, and he needed a new one... I gave him a new red balloon, and I do believe I changed his life. Never have I felt so helpful... something odd for a dangerous girl...

Word problem answer: The sum of the static cling is 47 units of j. Which means I had mild static cling all day, but I was too busy to really notice. Good try Linz! Maybe next time!

A dude on the street: Can I buy a cigarette from you?
Me w/ headphones on: huh? Oh, cigarette, yeah sure...
(he hands me a quarter.)
M: Oh, hah, don't worry about it. Do you need a lighter?
D: No. I got one. So. How's your day going?
M: Uh. Fine! How are you?
D: Good. It's suppossed to get down to 30 tonight. If you have your houseplants outside, you should really take them in.
M: Actually, I do have my houseplants outside... thanks for the advice!
D: Yeah. So, (pointing at my nasty scab) are you a skater?
M: huh? oh... no. I was jumping down stairs. Concrete stairs. (I blush)
D: Woah. well... thanks for the cigarette. Have a great day!
M: Yeah, you too.

BUT! I am a skater. A rollerskater. oops.

April 21 I'm 22

April 21 I'm 22
Originally uploaded by perplespoon.
One of the best birthdays I can remember.
I'm really grateful.

I want to hug the whole world into a cake and then eat it with ice cream and fire!

It's a good thing I had such a good yesterday because today is bad news on at least two counts, plus gloomy out to match. It's ok though because I really like being alive.

Thursday, April 21, 2005


I saw a man with a golden helmet this morning. It was awesome.

Marla caught and ate a bug today. I am a very proud mum.

I wrote a very long post about the joys of Lindsay and how glad I am that she's alive and her birthday and such and such... and I lost it. Computer glich. NOt gonna write it again. I will give an overview.... something like... I remember when we first met by the basketball hoops... we took my vacuume cleaner for a walk once... twinkle in her eye... she saved me from self destruction in 2nd grade, cause I got a pink slip, couldn't handle it, left class, went to the bathroom crying, she came in, patted my little shoulder and said "there there"... and we walked back to class together. Lived on 1st street... something like... 1322 and 826 1st street SE, Rochester, MN, 55904... danced with black lace.

and then, Adam... you said you were going to bring me key lime pie Tuesday. I believe that you did not. You owe me key lime pie.

and then my word problem for the day: If Lindsay and I have been best friends since 2nd grade, and she utilizes the vomit squad even though she doesn't need to, and "Jamon" translates to ham in spanish... what is the sum of static cling in my dress skirt today? -I will post the answer tomorrow... try and solve it... good brain exercise.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY LINDSAY-BOP! (remember when you wanted to be called chink... and then we found out it was racist slang... ah hah! draper and burl. man.)

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

calling elderly people 'cute' is really disrespectful

but its not too late to change your ways. and also today i saw a girl's bare butt because of the wind and a flowy skirt. hm haha.. it was pretty funny but then i felt bad in a couple of different ways

the lake was colder than I thought...

Tuesday, April 19, 2005


Timid existence
Green arms toward the sunshine
Praises to Mollie

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Curriculum Vitae

I'm trying to write one right now, and realizing that my life does not lend itself to looking impressive in this format.
The computer next to me has a screen saver with various close-ups of baby kittens sleeping and playing. Six months ago, I would have thought that was quite silly, but right now I am captivated and ready to cry with love. O how felinization station has transformed me!

Originally uploaded by jubilee1.

Originally uploaded by jubilee1.

Saturday, April 16, 2005

Cing Klub

Good evening. This is the first time I have created a post drufngk. I am also naked. Shout-o Out-o to the Colony of Watts for their nachtmusic, and to hilary berwick for being famous enough to have everyone cool in madison come to your birthday party. Mine ( a week from yesterday ) would never bee nearly as fastac as yourn. Cheerio!)_Lindsay

Thursday, April 14, 2005

infatuation station reconfigured

what would be the worst that could happen? Now or never. Do IT DO IT.- AND (In relationship to our class discussion about poverty) two more lovely things Lets all hope he never sees my notebooks. hack the chocolates up to make sure we got the ones we wanted

Bitchwhip. What does that even mean?

check it.
Originally uploaded by jubilee1.

this is formal.

My beautiful sensitive friends and family. People have been reading that smut I posted... calling me up... very concerned for my well-being. Ooops. Those bad posts about tools and booze and dying are not true. They are simply an expression of my sidetracked brain. I feel very loved by worried friends. This is what I've really been doing...
1. Painting an awesome painting.
2. Eating avacados
3. Getting my bike fixed and riding 'round town
4. Growing a garden (nothing has come up yet, but I'm hopefull...glads and forget-me-nots and daisys)
5. Talking to my sister, who had this acting thing at Mayo, and they had to pencil in her eyebrow because one time about 15 years ago I pushed her into the bathtub and she got her eyebrow cut on the soap dish and now has a big, hairless, scarrrrrrr gr. hah. ooops
6. Applying ointment to my scabby knee, which everyone thinks is so cute.
7. Starting fires... cotton polyester blends don't burn so smoothly... and then there's the charred zipper...quite cool ... ooops.
8. Talking to Keith, who is going to set me up with some of his elegible resident friends... which is great... save big money on hospital bills I tell you...
9. Thinking about our road trip to Montana... I'm going to wear my cowgirl boots... bring my guns... take out some of the damn buffalo...
10. Thinking about my art project with Erin on Sat. (That's what the dying thing was about... ruin the surprise... god.)
11. Drinking coffee and talking to my Dad, who is planning our family trip to CABIN for Memorial weekend. whooo!

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Update: you want her but you cant have her.

my progress is really advancing. I have figured out the world and its ways. NOW WHO IS THE HOLDER OF EXTREME KNOWLEDGE?
Jamon. You need to use that dental dam... dam.

Also, I would like to a take this oppertunity to announce that I will be dying on Saturday.


Tuesday, April 12, 2005


Originally uploaded by prancinponies.


Originally uploaded by prancinponies.

I Bless the Rains Down in Africa

Who wants to play TV tag?

I dream of staple guns all night long

yes. that's right. I dream of staple guns all night long. and furthermore. I had whisky and coffee for breakfast. and I had whisky and spagetti for lunch. and now I'm off to work. Whoo! I work with Anna tonight. Good deal. Last time we worked together we made prank phone-calls the entire night. hah aha ha.

Ooo baby I love your way...STAPLE GUN!

Ooo baby I love your way...
Originally uploaded by mmmollie.
This is what I have been thinking about (see staple gun)... perhaps it's because I'm drunk. (and yeah Linz. I did show up to work all drunk. and nobody even knew. HAH!)

Now. more about this staple gun. If I had a staple gun like this, I would take it to bed with me. I would nuzzle its cool steel and say, "oh staple gun. " and I would also go on a wild stapling rampage. I would staple everything I could get my little mitts on, and NObody would be able to stop me because I would be driven by love... and that my friends is the ultimate power.

Day 5 of wearing the same outfit... well... mostly the same... I change the shoes, and I can't wear that cowgirl shirt anymore because yesterday I put a hardboiled egg in the pocket and forgot about it... and it smashed... heh. so I have my navy sweater.

Monday, April 11, 2005

hows it going blah blah blah

how is it doing blah blah blah. what is it doing blah blah blah. what is it feeling blah blah blah. where is it going blah blah blah. what is it thinking blah blah blah. when is it leaving blah blah blah. it can leave whenever!! and blah blah blah!!


Originally uploaded by prancinponies.
this one is supposed to be me


Originally uploaded by prancinponies.
jamon made this. you can make your own at try it!!

If my body were a map, my scab would be Africa.

Oye! cellphones! brilliant Mike! This is going to be so cool.
Yes. I am a poor drunk baby. In fact, I had whisky and orange juice for breakfast. I think I'm going to just stay drunk until I forget why I was getting so goddamned drunk all of the time. Sorry if I break anyones shit in the meantime... or you have to drive me to the ER... side effects of being a poor drunk baby. you know? and the drunken mess in the kitchen? that was me. and the tower of starburst in the living room... that was me. I was drunk. I'll go home from work today, get drunk, and try to clean it up.

I'm picking black paint out of my fingernails, I had a drunken painting session last night.

Off to work! Drunk!

I guess I should take this opportunity to create a post entitled "Premature Ejaculation Station"

Currently trying to finish writing five pages on a poem (Aphra Behn's "The Disappointment") about the horror and shame of premature ejaculation. Here's a favorite section of mine:

Her timerous Hand she gently laid
...Upon that Fabulous priapas (phallus)
That Potent God, as Poets feign;
But never did young Shepherdess
Gath'ring of Fern upon the Plain,
More nimbly draw her Fingers back,
Finding beneath the verdant Leaves a snake:
Than Cloris her fair Hand withdrew,
Finding that God of her Desires
Disarm'd of all his Awful Fire,
And Cold as Flow'rs bath'd in the Morning-Dew. (<---ejackulation!)

Aphra Behn is lauded as the first successful female writer in English lit. And she has a beautiful name.

Let's see what else...Oh I had a banana for breakfast.

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Herff Jones, Inc

Internet Cap & Gown Order

Thank you for your order.

Measurement Info:
First Name: Lindsay
Middle Name: Ann
Last Name: Lueders
Degree: B
Subject: BA-English
Gender: F
Height: 509
Weight: 200 pounds or less
Cap Size: Surefit:
Qty: 1
Name: Cap/Gown/Tassel Price Per: $26.54

Subtotal: $26.54
Tax: $1.46
Total: $28.00

Saturday, April 09, 2005

It's all scabbing over nicely.

To Mike C.~ I look forward to our brand new loving sexy sexy relationship. You are the man I've always dreamed of. You make pastries. I cannot wait until I recieve my photo of you in the mail. I will treasure it forever and kiss it goodnight when you are absent. Lets have 2.3 children. I want a boy... I will name him Jack. And we can name Jacks little sister Jill. We'll put them in little league and dress them in stripes and polka dots. That other .3 can be Marla.

To Lindsay L.~ Erin and I missed you at the drag show last night. That girl with the beard was there. I bet you could have gotten some sweet action. Erin and I accedently sat on the piano bench by the stage entrance. Ooops.

To Meara J.~ Thank you for the drugs. They assisted with the knee pain very very much.

To Erin K.~ I cannot wait until your little brothers get here. We will smoke pot and light off fireworks. (do 11 year olds still smoke pot?)

To Mr. who fixed my bike.~ I love you. You are smokin' hot. Can we have an affair? (call me)

To Jamon~ I am sorry about your Jag. I'll deliver the dental dam as soon as possible. Next time I will try to be more responsible with your luxury cars.

Friday, April 08, 2005

I used to smoke pot with a guy named Matt....

And this week, he is on the cover of Core Weekly.


This is how it all went down.
first. red wine and rum
second. birthday party
third. he bought me the beer
fourth. I left
fifth. jumping down the stairs (not stepping) skipping steps being risky
sixth. landing on my knees and my hands
seventh. tights rip
eighth. skin breaks
ninth. blood everywhere
tenth. sharp pain lasting pain and limping

The girls all say they love my hair so much they can't take it anymore. But that's because they're drunk.

*peter pan syndrome *physical therapy *lots of smoky eyeliner

Thursday, April 07, 2005

Yay for garbage men!

1. This morning, I was sharing my regular cup-of-coffee-cigarette on the stoop/ lawn routine with Erin, and the garbage men came by to pick up our trash. I started cheering for them. Then Erin started cheering for them. Then they started cheering for us... and we were all hooting and hollering. Something like, "YEAH! WHOO! TAKE THAT TRASH! OH YEAH! DO IT! WE DONT WANT IT! YEAH! WHOO!" We all started jumping up and down. Raising our fists to the air... The men (there were 2) they had little orange sweatshirts... They did something like, "YEAH! WHOO! WHOO! WHOO! YEAH! WHOO!" while they dumped our trash into the truck.

AND THEN! the recycling truck pulled up behind them. We did something like, "YEAH! WHOO! TAKE THAT RECYCLING! WHOO! WHOO! YEAH!" and they did something like, "YEAH! WHOO! WHOO!" took our recycling, and then they drove next door... and whoo-ed the whole way...

I like our garbage men.

2. Then Erin and I talked about the time a canadian goose flew into my house.
3. I got a lovely amount of sleep last night. I feel terribly well-rested. I think it's the weather. I curled up in my sweaters and blankets and had lovely dreams.
4. I used to model necklaces for the Bibelot.
5. Yay for the birthday party tonight... really looking forward to it. Dance magic dance.
Until next time folks...

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Units of 'j'

Jenny and Mike
Originally uploaded by mmmollie.
These are my friends, Jenny and Mike. I have the most beautiful friends in the universe. They are a total of 85634 units of 'j' beautiful. (That's alot. I'm not quite sure how much exactly... but it's alot)

Monday, April 04, 2005

RFA, IPC, vein, tyc

Bentz san from Japanese class told me yesterday that those people who write letters and words everywhere are each more than one person. They are whole teams of people, in a race to own space on walls and in people's consciousnesses. He says he used to do it, too, and it makes a guy feel good, even if he can't see it, to know that his name is there and it is being thought about and remembered. Maybe it's an activity for people who need confirmation that they exist. Any other thoughts?

Friday, April 01, 2005

Menomonie, Wisconsin, March 30

Posted by Hello

Como se dice, "Good morning Mollie" ?

If wonderwoman mug holds 16oz of coffee, and Mollie has 2 wonderwoman mugs full of coffee + 2 cigarettes for breakfast, what does this mean for her spanish test?

The Man Who by TRAVIS is a cd for people like me on a day like today. Hidden track #3 is a song for ME on a day called TODAY...lets take a look, shall we?

When the day is doneOh Mollie MollieWill I be the oneWhen the day is throughOh Mollie MollieWill I be with youTell me what to doOh Mollie MollieLet me follow through'Cos I am lost at seaOh Mollie MollieHaven't got a clueAll I have to showFor all the years belowOnly Mollie knowsWhen the lights go downOh Mollie MollieWill you be aroundWhen the lights are goneOh Mollie MollieWill you leave the townTell me what is wrongOh Mollie MollyLet me sing a song'Cos I have lost the willOh Molly MollieCannot carry onAll I have to showFor all the years belowOnly Mollie knowsWhen the day is doneOh Mollie MollieWill I be the oneWhen the day is throughOh Mollie MollieWill I be with youTell me what to doOh Mollie MollieLet me follow throughWhere are we to be tomorrow MollieHaven't got a clueAll I have to showFor all the years belowOnly Mollie knows...(I changed all of the y's to ie' suit my needs.)

BingO. I had Meara and her little sis listen to it. They agree... only I know... because it's top secret. Perhaps you should all listen to it because it is quite pretty.