Station Station

Friday, March 31, 2006

a to q 8

NOPE. not bigger than a truck. and what the fuck? a duck? oooooh the luck!

my turn

is it bigger than a truck?
i think i hear a duck.

Monday, March 27, 2006

scanning the dance floor and checking out those sweet moves of yours.

I got my bike fixed yo. It's totally tite. I rode it to sunroom, 4starvideo and school.

the quality of my life has improved significantly.
this is the big break that I've been looking for.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. bum bum baaaaaaa.

huh-uh. it does not inhabit any number of ...... species.

and it's not a brassiere with gems. IF that was what you were thinking. Erin. and I know it was... what you were thinking.

Friday, March 24, 2006

Time to review

doesnt breathe, is breakable, can be in it, is clean inside, does not resemble wedding cake, is not mobile.


um, does it inhabit one or more species?

Thursday, March 23, 2006

nope. It's not mobile.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

so it doesn't resemble a wedding cake but...

is it mobile?

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

no. what-the-f-kind of question is that? goose.

Question FIVE

Does it resemble a wedding cake, mollie?

Monday, March 20, 2006

somebody really wants that PRIZE!

A: yes. generally speaking. it IS clean inside.

Today is the first day of spring. and... and I found a dime on the kitchen floor. IF NOBODY CLAIMS IT WITHIN 24hrs IT's mine.

Linda Inquires

Generally speaking, is it clean inside?

Sunday, March 19, 2006


YES E! YOU CAN be in it.

this is really exciting for me.

now Linda needs to ask her question. unless you want to be unfair. and I don't think you do.

Can you be in it?

can you be in it?
Question 3: can you be in it?

a to q 2

YES! IT is breakable!

Saturday, March 18, 2006

is it breakable?

is it breakable?
is it breakable?
is it breakable?

Friday, March 17, 2006


Originally uploaded by mmmollie.
THIS is what you win when you guess the MYSTERY OBJECT within 20 questions. it's not JUST a caramello. it's a KING SIZE caramello. Bah-dah.

Originally uploaded by mmmollie.
this is my view.

this is my bus stop

Originally uploaded by mmmollie.
I sit her at least twice every day... my bench.


Originally uploaded by mmmollie.


Originally uploaded by mmmollie.


Originally uploaded by mmmollie.

Originally uploaded by mmmollie.


Originally uploaded by mmmollie.

19 questions

A. no. it does not.

Cancun was amazing. I had 2 giant coronas and made some art. Then I passed out. CANCUN! SPRING BREAK! WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

Friday, March 10, 2006

Hey. Let's all gather round for a most deeeelightful game of 20 questions.

RuLES: It'll be a person, place or thing. 20 questions. 3 guesses that will count as questions. Linda and Erins guesses are combined, so maybe 10 each if you play fair. AND the WINNER GETS A PRIZE! (I will post a picture of the prize so you can be extra excited. AND the winner gets to start the next game.)

REAAAADY seeeeeeet. go.

Thursday, March 09, 2006


Originally uploaded by perplespoon.
i went deoderant shopping today and they thought i wanted a shaver because i don't know the word for deoderant so i was motioning under my arms. i couldn't get what i wanted until i said the word for "sweat" and then they brought me over to a collection of little spray bottles that you're supposed to daintily spritz under your arms while little birds twitter around, helping you get ready for the day. i walked away with my sweat, and posted a photo of an octopus at the tsukiji fish market.

Friday, March 03, 2006


Thursday, March 02, 2006


Originally uploaded by perplespoon.
look who's here! i made them oatmeal this morning. they keep telling me how boring madison is but i just don't believe them at all.
tim sleeps in a stocking cap.
ian ate whale and got sick.
the pedal steel feels heavier when you don't have a van. we got a cart but it's still not a van.
ian's learning japanese.
tim probably is too but just keeps it inside.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006


A pirates life for me! A pirates life a pirates life a pirates life for meeeeeeeeeee.

I saw Wendy, but I didn't want to talk to her today. Maybe next time.