Station Station

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

The day Mollie Gove saved the world...

Ellas swingin' christmas makes me feel hip. Makes me feel like I need a little tail to shake around with holiday panash and swing sing. something fluffy. Like a squirrel or bunny tail.

I wonder if anyone can hear the chistmas music on my discman... hope not... probably get beat up.

CHRISTMAS TREE! (Erin bettah be there.)

Monday, November 28, 2005


Originally uploaded by perplespoon.
thanksgiving happened in japan. my roommate sarah is betty crocker (she seriously wore a neck scarf and high heels to dinner) and i was her helper. we had twelve stomachs to feed and did so with gusto, i believe. they don't have thanksgiving shortcuts here like boxed stuffing or canned pumpkin. we made things from scratch--mashed pumpkin by hand, even. the pilgrims would be proud.
at karaoke that night, i sang petula clark's "downtown" while choking back tears related to missing my sister and our record player where i first heard that song.
yesterday i ate octopus and, finding it delicious, realized i've changed.

?- what is the act of 1) being in a hot-tub 2) getting out of the hot-tub and rolling in the snow and then 3) getting back in the hot-tub called?

I know there's a polar bear dip... but that's with lake water and ice...?

I did not watch that much tv during my break. I did waaaaaay funner stuff.

Saturday, November 26, 2005

my dad said he gonna make me a "real Gove..."

mollie gun
Originally uploaded by mmmollie.

mollie drilling
Originally uploaded by mmmollie.

Thursday, November 24, 2005

watching mooooovie
Originally uploaded by mmmollie.
the usual suspects. my dad's basement. my family.

Good girls drink water out of a Minnesota Vikings mug

drinking water
Originally uploaded by mmmollie.

jared eats turkey
Originally uploaded by mmmollie.
Today is thanksgiving. I keep wanting to call it spanksgiving... but I haven't spanked anyone yet... FEED THE CHILDREN!


david and angie?
Originally uploaded by mmmollie.

Originally uploaded by mmmollie.
I done found Scott LAL. He's cute as ever and still loves Jesus. Rochester... hahahahhahahahaaaaa. Can't go anywhere without running into 8 people you know...

Originally uploaded by mmmollie.
nobody liked my tights. I haven't seen Matt for 6 months ad after our hellos he says, "what's the deal with your stockings?" and I say, "huh? they're... awesome?" then he laughs at me. Jared called them doilies... "why are you wearing doilies on your legs?" punks.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Watching your tv part one...

while i watched the tv
Originally uploaded by mmmollie.
Those 10 channels did not satisfy... david washed dishes with his new scouring pads and then we went to Harry Potter. Very emotional.

Monday, November 21, 2005

Can I come over and watch your tv?

Lachrista: (text) "I do not have a tv, sorry!"

Anna: (text) "haha what?"...

David S: (text) "You're in Roch?"..."Yes. I think we only have ten channels or something though. I have mono. I sit around all day and stare at the wall."

Erin: (text) "Of course! I have over 500 channels!"... sweeeet! do you have tivo?..."Heck yes I do!"

Jenny B: (text) "yes?"

Mike C: (text) "Fuck yes! Come over right now! We'll make popcorn!"

Drew L: (phone) "Mollie G. wants to watch my t.v.?"... "Yeah, we'll watch football... and we have a fridge full of beer. Maybe we can eat doritos too."

Ian: (phone) "you wanna watch my t.v.?... uh I guess that's fine... I only get public television though... so you can come over and we can watch antiques roadshow..."

Jonathan (phone) "I'm watching NASCAR right now, can I call you back?"

I'm going to be watching a whole bunch of tv over thanksgiving break.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

As a matter of fact...

I have INDEED been listening to the Christmas cds. My fave is "Oh Christmas" a mix by LAL. I had it in my discman Monday AND Tuesday. How did you know? And also, you are very lucky to have rice for breakfast. Japan must be the best planet on EARTH. Rice for breakfast. That's just the best. I had rice and vegetables for breakfast. And Elliot puked all over the bedroom floor. It smelled. AND HE DIDN'T EVEN TRY TO LICK IT UP. Normal animals eat their barf.

Furthermore, I cannot believe they don't have campbells soup in Japan. WTF.

This morning I freaked out. I had to hand in my ecology project, and type up my bib.... and I did it on Davids old computer (which matt said would save shit for me) and GUESS WHAT!? IT DIDN'T SAVE! hah ahahahhahahahhahahhahahahaaaaaaaaa. So. I'm going to throw that piece of shit in the lake tonight. WHO'S WITH ME?! (actually I'll just put it in the garbage.... but lake is so dramatic... and that computer has officially been less than helpful to me...)

Also, I will most likely graduate in the summer. And I think I'm going to go home for a bit and regroup/ find a job that will allow me to do whatever I want. But Mpls is in the stars LAL, I'll have to see what happens with a number of things that are up in the air right now.

Also, is uncle Gordon in Japan or what? Also, Josh says 'hi'... he gives hugs after haircuts. BOO YAH!

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

what i've been doing

i went bowling
Originally uploaded by perplespoon.
my cousin sam (gordon's baby) is visiting from neenah, wisconsin. he sleeps on my floor and yells in his sleep. this japan stuff is a lot for a young person's subconscious to process, surely.
we went bowling for a thousand yen a pop. we both lost.
i am turning japanese. i ate rice for breakfast and am wearing socks over my tights today.
hilally duff is blasting from "tokyo's number one radio station," omotesando breeze. i am tolerating.
my student fumiko cancelled today. too bad--i was looking forward to some impeccably packaged gift fruit. that's not the only reason i like her though. she also dreams of going to alaska to see the aurora borealis.
i dream of snow. i heard there's been snow in the midwest.
everything is decorated for christmas here, but they have a tackier, colder version, and use much more blue.
my roommates and i had dinner together last night, as a family, with red wine and a boiling pot of nabe in the middle of the table. everyone scooped out vegetables, tofu and fish at will.
it was delicious but i really miss home food. i miss mollie with her dollar boxes of rice and campbells soup. i miss 317 east gorham street and the smell of christmas decoration! moll, are you listening to your xmas cds yet? they drove me nuts last year but i would kill for one of those this year.

Dear people of the world: I do not know why, but you keep wanting to put-an-'r'-in-between-the-'g'-and-the-'o'-of-my-last name. Stop it. I do not like it and it causes many problems for me.

Lindsay... it snowed last night and all this day. And you're pretty. And you can always spell my last name. I miss you.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

I remember when I used to live in Old Monster. Those were the days. Cows were never caught sleeping in trees and swingsets were never less than 50 yrds away from homes. Ohhhhh sigh.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Will you please drive my girlfriend home?
insert- Because she doesn't have a car.
insert- Or a drivers license.

50 Cent was on the Regis and Kelly-what's-her-face show this morning. Yessssssssss.

Monday, November 07, 2005

that whole thing was just dumb

select all. delete. ok. select all. delete. ok. select all. delete. ok. select all. delete. ok. select all. delete. ok.

I heard on the radio (peoples pharmacy) that people need waaaay more omega-3 fatty acids in their diet, and the best way to get that is through fish oil.

So I went to Walgreens and bought some fish oil capsules. You take two every day. I took two yesterday before lunch and considered myself on the path to wellness.

I took two today as well. After my coffee... and with no food.

Then I burped. And it tasted like fish. But not normal fish taste.

It tasted like the scent of rotting fish. Like cat breath. Like sour, stanky rotting fish. In my mouth. I gagged and almost vomitted.

Then I burped again. And I gagged again. And then I realized that my coffee fish oil breakfast was making me burp. And because I hadn't eaten anything my stomach air was fish flavored. I burped along the whole walk to school. and once in my 3-d class.

I had the most revolting morning ever.