Station Station

Thursday, April 14, 2005

this is formal.

My beautiful sensitive friends and family. People have been reading that smut I posted... calling me up... very concerned for my well-being. Ooops. Those bad posts about tools and booze and dying are not true. They are simply an expression of my sidetracked brain. I feel very loved by worried friends. This is what I've really been doing...
1. Painting an awesome painting.
2. Eating avacados
3. Getting my bike fixed and riding 'round town
4. Growing a garden (nothing has come up yet, but I'm hopefull...glads and forget-me-nots and daisys)
5. Talking to my sister, who had this acting thing at Mayo, and they had to pencil in her eyebrow because one time about 15 years ago I pushed her into the bathtub and she got her eyebrow cut on the soap dish and now has a big, hairless, scarrrrrrr gr. hah. ooops
6. Applying ointment to my scabby knee, which everyone thinks is so cute.
7. Starting fires... cotton polyester blends don't burn so smoothly... and then there's the charred zipper...quite cool ... ooops.
8. Talking to Keith, who is going to set me up with some of his elegible resident friends... which is great... save big money on hospital bills I tell you...
9. Thinking about our road trip to Montana... I'm going to wear my cowgirl boots... bring my guns... take out some of the damn buffalo...
10. Thinking about my art project with Erin on Sat. (That's what the dying thing was about... ruin the surprise... god.)
11. Drinking coffee and talking to my Dad, who is planning our family trip to CABIN for Memorial weekend. whooo!


At 12:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i told keith that you like beards and you don't like guys who wear perfume. no smelly residents allowed!


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