Station Station

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Ooo baby I love your way...STAPLE GUN!

Ooo baby I love your way...
Originally uploaded by mmmollie.
This is what I have been thinking about (see staple gun)... perhaps it's because I'm drunk. (and yeah Linz. I did show up to work all drunk. and nobody even knew. HAH!)

Now. more about this staple gun. If I had a staple gun like this, I would take it to bed with me. I would nuzzle its cool steel and say, "oh staple gun. " and I would also go on a wild stapling rampage. I would staple everything I could get my little mitts on, and NObody would be able to stop me because I would be driven by love... and that my friends is the ultimate power.

Day 5 of wearing the same outfit... well... mostly the same... I change the shoes, and I can't wear that cowgirl shirt anymore because yesterday I put a hardboiled egg in the pocket and forgot about it... and it smashed... heh. so I have my navy sweater.


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