This is what the moon is made of: CHEESE.
#a. NO Gurney at the party. and that is final. Other gurnies can come, like Nate or Sam or Soup or Crusty Mouth or Eliott... but no Gurney who prepares breakfast with Farms grill. Please.
#b. I had a doctors appointment today. I got to wait an extra hour in the waiting room and read Better Homes and Gardens and Parenting, the magazine. Choking is the #1 cause of accidental death by children ages 1-3. It is important to breast feed. If your child is physically abusive to other children in his/her playgroup you must not isolate the child. Instead, bring it to more playgroups... it may means your child is a born leader. If your child drinks a bottle of furniture polish call posion control first, unless the child is having a seizure, vomiting, not-breathing... then you must call 911. For optimal gardens in dry climates with warm weather and lots of sun plant succulents. To make an English Rose garden contact Better Homes and Gardens to have plants and layout possibilities delivered directly to your door... for the low low price of 129.- plus 12.95 for shipping. Hummel has come out with a Christmas wreath. To get rid of cradel cap use hydrocortisone cream... apply all over your babies head, let it set for 50 mins. and wipe off. Repeat daily until the scales are gone... The Wiggles have released their WIGGLES LIVE! dvd. Fun.
#d. I had grilled cheese for lunch.
#e. WHO ATE MY PANCAKE BATTER? I left it out on the counter for a reason.
#f. that reason is: When I came home from my appointment I wanted to make a pancake. If I left it on the counter I would not have to get it out of the fridge. I was trying to make my life easier. AND SOMEBODY ATE THE BATTER. punks.
#g. So, I made some more batter, and it's on the counter RIGHT NOW. If I get back from my physical therapy session and it's not there I am going to be pissed.