Station Station

Monday, February 07, 2005

NO SPLINT! i am such a rebel.

On the bus this morning I realized that now is the time in my life for some weird secret to be unearthed and brought to my attention. Example: "Mollie, you are not really human. You are a robot!" or "Mollie, your parents are top-secret Russian spies and now you need to go to training camp to be a top-secret Russian spy just like them." or "Mollie, your left leg is made out of tin." or "Mollie, you've already gone to top-secret Russian spy camp, you just don't remember it because we hypnotized you. Now its time for you to be a top-secret Russian spy." or perhaps, "Mollie, you are related to Winston Churchill and England wants you to return to your homeland and take over their government..." something like that.

So. If you know anything... I'm prepared to deal.

ALSO. I am so very excited for our weekend at station fuck-mother-fucker (for speech!) yeah yeah yeah the gust of awesomeness is sure to delight and amaze. kiddos. I need to make a post about our constitution celebration. Soon. Very soon.


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