Station Station

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Intoxication Station

I have got to stop blogging when I'm drunk. I get way too excited and swear too much and some of the things I write don't make any sense.

Today I am hungover. I really really want to eat something good, good food, but I can't figure out what good is. and all of my socks are dirty. and I cannot find my day planner. I would need to go to the bank before can I pay someone to make me food (I cannot cook right now) and going to the bank seems like the most difficult thing ever in the entire world. So. I'm really working on this... and I'm really hungry...but because I have no socks and because I don't have a particular food in mind my day is rapidly developing into something extremely challanging. I skipped my spanish class today. heh. Right now Marla is playing in the toilet. I can hear her. ah ha ha... I can't get up. aw man.


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