Station Station

Sunday, February 20, 2005

"I am looking for Little Hiro's babysitter..."

Yotchi e-mailed to ask if I would watch her chubby, nine-month-old masterpiece of babbling perfection on Thursday and I almost cried when I realized I had already signed up for something else that night. I pray that she will ask me again.

Walking to the library tonight, I was filled with euphoria because it was white but slushy and warm outside, and there were people everywhere, quietly sloshing about and being rosy-cheeked in the light from all the shops I never go into. My feet were wet because my shoes have holes in the bottoms but it felt good. Everything seemed in its right place; you know, one of those.

I took a shower yesterday, and my white loofah turned blue when I scrubbed my legs. Help me, I'm turning blue! I thought, but actually it was just from the new jeans I'd been wearing for several days. Neat.


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