Station Station

Sunday, February 27, 2005

Crackers. That's what we used to call her.

#1. Crusty-eyes gurney. Stay the hell away from me.
#2. I swear the grill is under a cardboard box by crusty-eyes gurneys dwelling. I'm too scared to check.
#3. Everybody likes a new haircut if it's cute enough. Lindsay, take that one to heart.
#4. Jungle fever. Saturday. March 5th. Festive attire encouraged.
#5. Pizza everything.

I slept 11 hours last night, listening to WPR will lull a girl into a trance like state of bliss.

#6. I would like to apologize to my sleepover buddy for my early morning behavior. Last night Lindsay and I were talking...

L: so, how was your morning with Nate?
M: really nice. very good. it took awhile for me to get him to stop sleeping though... and the last 3 hours he was here he seemed really tired...
L: you tried to wake him up?
M: yeah! I crawled all over him, played with his hair, asked him questions about things, poked him... you know. I wanted to hang out...
L: Mollie. That would really piss me off.
L: I know you're his girlfriend and everything and maybe he thinks it's kind of cute, be most people are not as cheerful as you in the mornings, and they need their sleep.
M: But it was so convenient! Having company, right next to you... I wanted to chat...?
L: But most people are grumpy in the morning. I am. You know how it is... do you know anyone who is as happy as you are to get up in the morning?
M: uhhhhh. no. shit. LINDSAY YOU ARE TOTALLY RIGHT. I should apologize. and try really really hard to not-wake-people-up in the mornings. even if they're right next to me and I want to "hang-out."

Something like that. heh. Sorry.



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