Station Station

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

"I still love you like crazy."

what the fuck.

The humane society forgot to take off Elliots balls. We don't really want them at station station. No, let me rephrase, WE DO NOT WANT THEM. they are gross. DOes anyone want Elliots balls?
Erin. Thank you for letting me use Aileens Craft Glue. It is quite tacky.

La queria muchisimo.

Monday, March 28, 2005

All I know for sure is that cats speak Packistani.

It turns out...
1) I DO NOT have school today. Catholics observe Easter Monday. So... guess I could have gone to Malatt with Lindsay after all...
2) This morning in the shower I discovered the joy of hot water + water pressure on my aching fingers. Somebody is going to be showering alot more in the very near future...
3) Sad dreams again.
4) Big event at Station Station! Spring has sprung, and we are once again sitting in our smoking chairs on our beautiful lawn... it's amazing.
5) Remember when Nate had a beard? Best time of my life. Refer to my bedroom door. EVIDENCE!
6) NEW ROOMATE! Welcome kitten. Please sleep at night from now on.

and finally...(please comment on this one)
What do you do when you are waiting for your lover to put on a condom?

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

My poster.

My poster.
Originally uploaded by mmmollie.
This is the Station Station poster. Mollie on the left and Erin on the right. But you knew that already, didn't you?

Bienvenido a Station Station.

%b. Erin and I are speculating that Marlo (our new roomate) was given his freedom and decided to set up camp under the fridge... Marla is protecting us... we will see...heh!
%c. I win the bet and day #1 of doting took place last night. Very amusing for a short while. Made me want to vomit after a minute... WHERE IS THE REST OF MY VOMIT SQUAD? heh!
%d. read something somewhere a moment ago. Also made me want to puke. guess what it was and I will give you a cookie! heh!
%e. Erin can tell the future. serious. She told me all about it. and she was right. heh!
%f. I was dreaming last night about someone we will call... that guy I don't want in my life anymore... and it was turning into a sex dream (something I did not want to happen)... and I woke myself up from it! yay me! heh!
%g. I made a cool station station poster heh!
%h. I am sad about ace of base heh!
%i. mEAghans birthday! Cheers sister love! heh!
%j. I miss Lindsay. heh!
%k. generally flat gurney. heh!

Sunday, March 20, 2005

Actually, MN has 12,000 lakes.

Hello from Minnesota, the Star of the North state.

Since I have been here, I have done the following things:
1. Drove along the winding valley twists in the starry darkness of Hwy 14, listening to a neverending mixtape. Orion was my guide.
2. Got a speeding ticket in Chester, 5 miles outside of Roch-chester. The officer said I was doing 80 in a 55, and I didn't argue. It will set me back 16 thousand 7 hundred cen...tavos.
3. Listened to my dad describe his St. Patrick's Day over a rum and coke while snuggling with my mom. Then we all looked at a map of Japan in my dad's atlas together.
4. Made a date with the essential Emily Snyder to make breakfast tomorrow. She leaves on her two-month odyssey westward on Wednesday. I wonder if we'll make pancakes. They've been doing well lately.

5. Agreed to play tourguide for Yotchi, her baby, and husband tomorrow afternoon, when they will visit Rochester in order to quench their thirst for knowledge about the town, my house, my family, the Mayo brothers, and the Canada geese that fly here for the winter instead of to Mexico, like all of their sensible brothers.
6. Decided to go to bed.
I had such a good weekend, and now I am home. Ah peaceful restful.

Friday, March 18, 2005

Mom, where are you?

One of the messages on my voicemail today was the inarticulate voice of a little girl, saying, "Mom, it's Heidi, where are you?" I called Heidi back (her area code's in Rochester) and told her she should try again because I am not her mom. She seemed composed as she said, "Ok, bye." This impressed me because I remember being absolutely traumatized by these types of situations when I was little. One time a man called our house, and I was convinced it was my dad, but he kept denying it. Assuming he was messing with my head (which he did a lot) I said, "C'mon Daddy, I know it's you, stop it," etc., but the man kept saying, "I am not your father." Finally it got through to me, and I handed the phone to my mom and bawled into my pillow. I had completely forgotten about that until little Heidi rang me up. Huh. Thanks, little Heidi!

Thursday, March 17, 2005

I can't fight this feelin'...

My boyfriend ate giraffe. Still not over it.

I will put a generally crusty gurney in the bedsheets of the dirty language bro. That will teach him. pah! I bet gurney has a nice tight super tight moist ... dirty language bro will just loooooove that.

I heart comments.

Looking excited for to go to Chicago tomorrow. big car ride. BIG RIDE. whatcha whatcha whatcha. Erin do you want to split veg. fajitas with me at deep fried whole fish land. pez. pez. banter banter banter.

I bet Nate is really looking forward to Easter... with the Easter bunny and all... let's dye eggs! get chur baskets ready ladies! I miss BSB. hrm. banter banter.

I had a dream that dave s was preggers last night. i told him to get an abortion, but he did not want to. Then we decided to name the baby "p" for person... hah aha... and then Marvin brought david a honey-comb ham... what a sweet friend marvin is. ham for the pregnant man.

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

joint blog!!!!1111111

guess what everybody (lindsay)! we ate at the olive garden tonight (jamon)! it was great (jamon)! jamon talked engineering with tom chia (lindsay)!! and she (lindsay) talked about feminine issues with everybody else (jamon)!! jamon (jamon)!! jamon (lindsay). what (jamon)? what else could we put (lindsay)? uhh (jamon)... let's go (lindsay). that's good (lindsay).

monthly dose

I am drinking the following thing:

Quoted from the website (
“C” Monster®:
Everything the name implies. One 450 milliliter bottle gives you about 2000% of the recommended daily intake of vitamin C in a delicious guava-citrus blend fortified with lemon bioflavonoids, rosehips, and acerola cherry.

It is soothing to my throat, encouraging to my immune system, delicious to my belly, and I recommend it. But TWO THOUSAND PERCENT? High doses of vitamin C can produce stomachaches and diarrhea.

I will let you know.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

"Look scary for the people in the future!" -LAL

#2. Lindsay. Why did you embarass me on SSCD? I feel betrayed. "my roomate really likes you." wtf? duh! he's going to know who you're talking about and my "aloof" cover will be totally blown. WAY TO GO. uh.
#3. I keep having dreams of people from my past. why can't I have dreams like Erins where we all go to a candy factory and fill our pockets with candy candy candy and more candy? so much unresolved conflict in my subconscious... I've been yelling at people in my dreams... er. what does it all mean?
#h. gurney is still dead.

Monday, March 14, 2005

Ding-Dong the crusty eyes gurney is DEAD!

it happened. for real. I dunno who did it... but praise be to them. I raise my glass to toast the brave soul who dared to take on the angry crusty eyes with his/her car. I no longer live in fear. It all went down in the streets. by our house. right outside. in front of a red car.
Don't worry...if the park services remove his corpse from the road before you get home you can still see some REAL evidence. I took a picture with my digital camera. That's really gross isn't it. Nevermind. I didn't take a picture. But if you were really REALLY interested in seeing one, I might know someone who could hook you up.

In other news: I would like to play my little yellow shaker maraca for our band. I think I could also make beautiful music by blowing into lindsays captel straw.... let me know what you think...

i heard on the RADIo today that there is an instument called the mouth bow... we could really use one of those...

I'm kicking my cold... yay me.

I had cherrios for breakfast.

and I think I'm going to go to a movie tonight. MARIMBA!

Walgreens--what is the deal??

I mean it's like every time I go in there now, there is so much testosterone I can barely pick out a pack of gum without feeling self-conscious because the guys behind the counter have become so young and they laugh at things secretly together, then tell you "nice coat...nice sweater" like it's some big joke or something. I don't get it. What happened to the overdyed single moms? I was comfortable with that.

now lookie lookie here...

Lindsay. That link you sent me with those pictures made me want to vomit and cry. Ew.

Sunday, March 13, 2005

Look what I found!! It's from way back when we first fell in love, Erin!! I am yawning; what are you doing? What is that blonde kid's name? Jesse? Posted by Hello

Friday, March 11, 2005

Just allow yourself to be in amazement for a short while

think about the construction of buildings. who designs the giant machines. how are they transported to the necessary locations. how do tons of people work together without direct contact in knowing how to dig the right size hole, make accurate measurements, and use the right materials in the right spot. how do they all work in any weather condition. how can it be built so fast. and stadiums and skyscrapers and high schools and art museums and libraries and highways and bridges and cathedrals and office buildings. yes, yes architecture and construction are trully amazing and i am just going to be amazed for a while - -

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

I heart humming.

I have a severe snot issue going on in my head. A real case of the sniffles. mmmmhmm.

Hey! i wanna give a big cheers to bug for finding my "safe place." aha.


Had a jungle birthday party for Erin.zebra.
Lindsay found my digital camera and thought to herself "we need to be taking pictures! why is this amazing technological device going unused?"
Lindsay.bug. took some pictures.
Mollie hopped by the bathroom and computer desk, home to the camera, and thought to herself "ahhh! my camera is not in its home! this is awful!"
Mollie.bird. found Lindsay.bug. and said "my camera! it's missing!"
and Lindsay.bug. said "Oh no it's not! it's right here in my hand! LIMBO!"
So Lindsay.bug. gave the camera to Mollie.bird. and Mollie.bird said, "Oh man, this is serious. I had better put this in a safe place."

and then lots and lots of other great stuff happend.

SO. The next morning Mollie woke up and wondered "where is my digital camera?.... (thinking thinking thinking)... OH shit. I remember wanting to put it in a safe place. That could be anywhere! shit. i'm never ever gonna find it... boo..."
Mollie let all of her roomates know what she had done. they said "hah ahha ha ha. just like last time. and you found it in the scarf and mitten basket burried under all of the scarves and mittens... hah ahha ha ha."
Mollie thought there was no hope.
BUT THEN LAST NIGHT... Lindsay decided to make banana bread with all of the leftover bananas from the party... and TAH DAH! She found my safe place. It was behind the sugar in the kitchen cupboard.

The end.

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

hee haw is for suckers.

god. I just love that party we had.
...ali is just. ali makes delicious baked goods. ali is caring. hah.
I saw the awesome kid on the bus again this morning. Is it wrong that I think he's everything I've ever wanted? HE HAD ON GIANT GLOVES AND HE COULDNT FUNCTION HIS COAT ZIPPER BECAUSE HIS GLOVES WE SO HUGE! it was so cute.

i found a safari hat with mosquito netting behind our full length mirror in the bedroom yesterday. hah hah hah.

I heart drawing.

I want to play monopoly with someone and kick their ass at it. any takers? I call the cannon.

Monday, March 07, 2005

Setting the mood

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Originally uploaded by perplespoon.
All it takes is some coconuts, a candle and two stacks of red cups.

Birthday Girl Creates Birthday Shaman from Scratch

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Originally uploaded by perplespoon.
Acrylic Paint is the most amazing stuff.
How does it feel when you sweat under it, Katt?

Dancing Lions Sweat Balloons

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Originally uploaded by perplespoon.
I hugged Andrew goodbye and thought my heart would explode.

Can she ever love him too?

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Originally uploaded by perplespoon.
Ali is full of love.

just dial 1-507-252-1111

this is what the man behind the desk at the post office said: "...alright Mollie, we're all set. You and your beautiful smile have a wonderful day!"

this is how I feel about the weather: it's a little windy, but mostly good

this is what is in my tape player: Nelson, After the Rain. hah.

this is what my body is doing: trembling

this is what I had for breakfast: coffee and a bananna. 3 cigarettes.

this is what I want for lunch: nothing

this is what Marla said this morning: "Hi. my name is Marla. i am a cat. feed me."

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Pregnant Tulip

There was a pregnant woman who calls herself Tulip in my ESL class tonight. I think I overwhelmed her a bit with my affection for her name.

Sam really wants to come to our jungle party, it seems.

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

So defeated...thinks its festival...

Retro Porn...Shabby Chic...BiCoastal...Soundtrack...CarnivoreTransgressive...Gone fishin'...Shock Value...Good ContractBig Collection...Independant...Devil's Advocate...Protegé...

Hawaiian Shirt...Buddy buddy...Just Chillin'...Crystal Meth...Big Budget...Dirty Hair...Anti PC...Dive Bar...UniversalHilton Safari...Euro Connection...Topless Now...Obscure Reference...Likes Parties...Fake Childhood...Muscle Tee

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Occupational Therapy says...

Tenolisis: the next surgical procedure that will be necessary for my complete laceration station. RIP broken pan. Its all my grandmas fault.