Hello from Minnesota, the Star of the North state.
Since I have been here, I have done the following things:
1. Drove along the winding valley twists in the starry darkness of Hwy 14, listening to a neverending mixtape. Orion was my guide.
2. Got a speeding ticket in Chester, 5 miles outside of Roch-chester. The officer said I was doing 80 in a 55, and I didn't argue. It will set me back 16 thousand 7 hundred cen...tavos.
3. Listened to my dad describe his St. Patrick's Day over a rum and coke while snuggling with my mom. Then we all looked at a map of Japan in my dad's atlas together.
4. Made a date with the essential Emily Snyder to make breakfast tomorrow. She leaves on her two-month odyssey westward on Wednesday. I wonder if we'll make pancakes. They've been doing well lately.
5. Agreed to play tourguide for Yotchi, her baby, and husband tomorrow afternoon, when they will visit Rochester in order to quench their thirst for knowledge about the town, my house, my family, the Mayo brothers, and the Canada geese that fly here for the winter instead of to Mexico, like all of their sensible brothers.
6. Decided to go to bed.
I had such a good weekend, and now I am home. Ah peaceful restful.