Station Station

Monday, January 31, 2005

Castration Station

So the poem we're reading in my lit class (Eloisa to Abelard by Alexander Pope) talks about the castration of Abelard when he decides to become a priest. After class, questions arose regarding what a castration involves, and my good friend Will Runkle and I did some research. Here is what we found:

-We both thought it was the severing of the entire penis, but it's actually just the testicles.
(We realized later that of course you need your penis for when you pee.)
-Your sex drive goes away
-Testosterone levels diminish
-Your muscle mass usually decreases
-Contrary to popular belief, your voice does not get any higher
-Some people notice an extreme calmness after castration; life's daily irritations no longer matter
-If castrated after puberty, you can still get an erection, and in fact, have sex (but why would you want to? you don't have a sex drive, dummy)
-Eunuchs, or castrated guys, were once used as guards of harems
-Sometimes, though, the women in the harems actually liked having sex with them because they never ejaculated and thus could hold erections longer

I found this fascinating. Still, poor Eloisa; without his testicles, Abelard's desire for her could never match hers for him ever again. It really is a sad thing. Based on a true story.

Todays forecast...

#1. What happened to Coolio?
#2. Why does my sense of self build and collapse so frequently?
#3. Instead of studying for spanish, I made the coolest thing EVER ON THE PLANET! go me! (come home and check it out, laughs are sure to accompany your viewing experiance)

Sunday, January 30, 2005

Dear Farm,

What was the best thing that happened to you today?

Khun Lindsay

Mollie says...

mollie today
Originally uploaded by jubilee1.
"garage sale saturday i need to pay... my hearts outstanding bills." This evening Lindsay told me to put some neosporin up my nose. So I did. And it was/is AMAZING. God bless.


count tar-tar
Originally uploaded by jubilee1.
We have a new roomate here at station station. He is Count tar-tar.

good squirrels eat nuts. NOT jack-o-lanterns

good girls do art. NOT drugs.

good girls do art. NOT drugs.
Originally uploaded by jubilee1.


easter candy
Originally uploaded by jubilee1.

and then...

mollie loves milkshakes!
Originally uploaded by jubilee1.
(milkshakes... strawberry... essential)

and then...

Originally uploaded by jubilee1.

and then...

more candy!
Originally uploaded by jubilee1.

In an attempt...

beauty queens
Originally uploaded by jubilee1.
In an attempt to develop into a whole person and fully realize myself, I have decided to reflect upon my past. This is what I have come up with.

restoration station.

sleep gecko sleep
Originally uploaded by jubilee1.
This was my weekend. good and snuggly.

Saturday, January 29, 2005

Vote Gary Lueders

These are the reasons my dad is a model of greatness:
1. Speed Queen Barbecue: He brought me there Friday night as soon as we arrived in Milwaukee, and it was the best BBQ-ed chicken I have ever tasted. He even pulled out the un-scary white meat parts for me so that I wouldn't have to touch the bones. We were the striking minority at this place, an experience rare to me and valuable.
2. Kohler Design Center: If you are in Sheboygan, please go there. State-of-the-art sinks, bathtubs, toilets, faucets, and amazing model bathrooms that make you want to grow up and be rich. Lots of spraying and bubbling. A Kohler faucet alone costs upwards of $4000.
3. John Michael Kohler Arts Center: Awesome museum, famous for its five restrooms each decorated by a different artist. We saw a dress made out of twist ties, and a special urinal in which your piss becomes a design element.
4. Mader's German restaurant: my dad is working on completing their Compendium of Beers, a list of 219 beers they have available, the achievement of which will lead to the engraving of his name onto a plaque which will be placed on the wall for all eternity. He has 29 left to go, after the sixteen(!) non-alcoholic ones he drank on our overnight visit. We had to make three trips to Mader's for this.
5. He bought me some pecan fudge from a lady.
6. Marquette Girls' Basketball game: This was really boring, but bless him for trying to keep me well-rounded.
7. We watched Blazing Saddles together at our friend George's house.
8. He bought me a Sprecher's root beer at Wolf Ridge country club, and then a scotch to finish off our noon visit.
9. We walked into the Milwaukee Art Museum as far as we could without paying the $12 admission. We "put it on the list for next time" instead of taking the plunge. My dad always has one of those lists going.
10. He says, "hot damn!"

One, two, three is ichi, ni, san!

Japanese class tomodachi
Originally uploaded by prancinponies.

The girl in the red sweatshirt, Koh san, sent me this blurry picture of our Japanese class today. While I'm posting it, let me tell you why everyone you see there is so fantastic.

Koh san: Knows Chinese, Malay, English, and is learning Japanese. Slowest eater I have ever met.

Bower san (left of Koh): Freshman, spent her senior year of HS in Hiroshima, puzzles us all with her massive vocabulary and the pace of her chatter. Loves anime.

Song san (furthest left): Korean international student. Comically sour attitude in class. Likes women.

Didier san (behind Koh): Told me to eat at the Truck Stop in Saukville, WI; I ate there for breakfast today and am still full.

Petkus san (white shirt behind me): My best buddy in class, likes Manu Chao, Jiujitsu, and talking half in Japanese and half in English (outside of class only of course). It ends up sounding really hilarious because there's no concept of plurality in Japanese, but he puts an "s" on the ends of things, etc. I guess you wouldn't understand unless you knew Japanese. You loser.

Hammond san (with the hat): Her Japanese sounds really nice because she has a high and sweet voice, and good pronunciation. Has a cute little boyfriend, too, and they hold hands before class.

Cho san (far right): Asked me in perfect English to be her ESL teacher.

Those are some of the sparkling good friends on whose coattails I struggle through the dangerous and prickly obstacle course that is learning Japanese.

Friday, January 28, 2005


Things will get out of hand tonight.

feel like drinkin outta the toilet

feel like drinkin outta the toilet
Originally uploaded by kazc0w.
Marla drinks out of the toilet and pees in the bathtub.

animalation station

Erin and I are hungover. Meara put on a muscle show for us. Linkin Park. PIZZA EVERYTHING!

People we know as animals animals:

Lindsay: koala
Meara: kangaroo
Erin: chipmunk
Mollie: egret
Jamon: bear
Jordan: donkey
Brett: weasel
Zach: kitten
Nate B: gecko
David: peacock
Marla: cat
Matt: stallion
Derek: turtle
Adam: badger
Stephanie: panda
Johnathan: giant prairie dog
Kristy and Sherri: teradactyl
Rick Larson: fish
Steve, Steve, Steve, and Steve: sparrows
Andrew: giraffe
Andrew fedora: seahorse

Any other ideas? Post a comment.

Thursday, January 27, 2005


Originally uploaded by kazc0w.
marie is a dirrrrrrrrrrrrrty girl.

We should all be dead

Meara's listening to her philosophy lecture on tape, and from the other room it sounds like something that could be mixed with some sparse guitar and scratching noises and be called music.

I can't believe we're all alive right now. Thanks Moll.

I am in the process of saving Our Lives.

IMPORTANT! about 15 mins ago Marla decided it was time for me to get up, so she started to pick the tape off of my wall, next to my head. I woke up and let her out of my room, and when I opened my door our hallway and house smelled quite quite strongly of gas. I put my little kitten back in my room and went into the kitchen. One of our stove burners was turned on w/out any flame and was leaking gas all over station station. I have since turned it off, and opened the kitchen door to allow for some ventilation. This is very very awful. WE ALL COULD HAVE DIED. and to be perfectly honest with you I'm still very very concerned. So... here I am, awake at 4:30... trying to air out station station and avoid inhaling toooo many of the noxious fumes while all you other little bunnies are faaaaaaaaaaast asleep... hopefully. I thought about waking you all up, but I think I have everything under control... so...uh... let's all try to be real real careful with the stove from now on, okay? Cause I'm feeling real real tired and real real shitty right now and nobody really wants to blow up, right? right. *Marla is totally like my little Lassie today.* yawn.

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

My Lists

THIS is what I ate today:
1. Oatmeal and milk at 8:00 am
2. Vegan Fudge bar at 2:00 pm
3. Mediterranean Cafe's Vegetable Couscous at 7:00 pm
4. Fruit Mentos (orange, lemon, strawberry) at 9:00 pm

This is what I DID:
1. Japanese class for two hours
2. Talked to Yotchi and laughed at her baby for two hours
3. Talked about sex in English 442
4. Masturbated
5. Had dinner with Will Runkle from English 442
6. Walked home in the heat
7. Put my hair in a high-up bun because it was staticky

Andrew Fedora

Our neighbor who should have lived in Paris in 1899, works at Cafe Montmartre, talks to himself, is Meara's everywhere boy, leaves his windows open so people can see him drink wine and play his instruments and read his used books, and has long brown hair that waves in the humidity, does no longer have that long hair. It is now short, and he looks sporting.

Liquidation Station

Erin, your spinach was oozing, so I threw it out.

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

When was the last time a boy snapped your bra?

Today. But before that it was at rehearsal for "Huck Finn" in eighth grade. Elijah Chhum was my boyfriend at the time, and he protected me from the sweaty, cheetos-stained perpetrator after the incident as I blushed uncontrollably backstage, feeling truly violated. Today there was no blushing, no violation, just a Mexican guy, washing dishes, and giggling like an eighth grader.

Hey, remember that last post?

Yeah. That was mine. The mushy one about Stefannnnnnn. I uploaded the pic and posted through erins account... oops. mollie mollie mollie loves Stefan and candy. not erin.

Monday, January 24, 2005

natural body weight lifters something station.

after mollie fixed my staple gun which still doesn't work sometimes and after passions was over, she flipped the channel to natural body weight lifters something station. we watched the whatever championship for an hour and what a bunch of freaks! man, we were both feeling like crap and what a way to feel good about life in general. unfortunetely we only caught the end of the women's section and the monkey girl won, who was not only extremely bronze and beastly but would have better belonged in the men's overweight section. lucky for us, we were able to catch all the men's section which included lightweight, middleweight, light heavyweight and heavy weight. but heres the thing: the judges were not basing criteria on anything worthwhile and are possibly racist towards black men, or this one in particular with dancing pecs and a lot of soul. he clearly should have won overall but he disappeared. where did he go? if we up to us, we have specific categories that were overlooked in this competition. these include: 1. shiniest, 2. best music (anyone with nickelback is disqualified, hip hop is encouraged),3. most regular skin tone and texture, 4.most saucy moves 5.most sassy moves use of pectoral muscles in conjuction with the music 7.choreography/stage presence 8.facial expression do 10.mustaches are mandatory/best 'stache. based on our criteria, the missing black guy definetely should have won everything, except he didn't have a mustache and wasn't the most sassy but was saucy as hell. to improve sassiness, please consult man in lightweight division who flexed the worms in his side and then rubbed them gently with his fingers. so while we favor our missing man, we would like to congratulate TRENT KIEST for winning overall as well as being the shiniest overall. new goal for the year: find missing black winner and bring him over for cupcakes!

victory pose

victory pose
Originally uploaded by kazc0w.

Matsunaga sensei

Her rich voice lilting
Consonant vowel vowel
My ears are swimming

Kiss my ass Aunt Jemima.

Yesterday morning I made pancakes. As I was enjoying my lumpy blackened pancakes I read the cover, back, and sides of the pancake mix box. On the front of the box is a little boy enjoying the most perfectly browned, ciricular stack of flapjacks I've ever seen. I began to wonder if anyone ever gets their pancakes to turn out like that... I've never made a perfect pancake before. I think that's why I never make pancakes. They've always turned out so damn ugly, and even though they usually taste fine their hideous nature totally turns me off. I scoffed at the pancake box. Fuck no. Making a perfect pancake at home must be impossible. How dare Aunt Jemima decieve consumers into thinking their pancakes could be so beautiful. So symmetrical. So light and fluffy and golden delicious. I decided the only way such a pancake was to exist in the home was if it had been made by a grandpa. But this morning something miraculous happened. I woke up at 6 today. Dont know why, I don't have to be out of the house until 9... anyhow, I decided I still liked pancakes and I wanted to have them for breakfast. So I'm making my pancakes, and the first one is ugly. Just like yesterday. Whatever. BUT THEN, as I poured my second liquid pancake it began to leech across my pan into a perfect circle. Holy baby Jesus. So it was round. Shit. It gets better though. I'm watching this beautiful pancake bubble and I'm like, "OH! time to flip this fucker..." and upon turning the bugger over I experienced the amazing beauty of a perfect golden pancake. Angels sang. Lightning struck. Thunder roared. Pitty though. I was so excited by the color of my pancake that I flipped it all-strange-like and ruined its shape. BUT I DIDN'T CARE. NO SIR. I HAD JUST CREATED AN ALMOST PERFECT PANCAKE. A FEAT, UNTIL NOW, ONLY ACCOMPLISHED BY GRANDPAS. Hot damn. Upon seeing the silky tan exterior on the first side of my cake I felt sure that the other must be doomed to a charred and ugly fate. BUT NO! IT TOO RESEMBELED PERFECTION! I couldn't believe it. I figured the pancake must be fucked up somehow, so I poked the middle to see what would happen. I got nothing. No demons. So. I did it. I made a pancake worthy of Jemima front-of-the-box fame. Sans the floppy side and the poke-hole in the middle. And I am NOT a GRANDPA! Kiss my ass Aunt Jemima.

Sunday, January 23, 2005

This is what I did today.

1. I woke up
2. I made pancakes
3. I took a bath
4. I cleaned the kitchen
5. I packed up Christmas and put it in the basement
6. I read about Women, art and Society in the Middle Ages
7. I smoked 3 cigarettes
8. I listened to public radio
9. I listened to Stereolab
10. I ate tomato soup w/ tofu vegetables and peanut butter and yogurt and ginger and garlic
11. I recieved a text message from my sisters boyfriend
12. I laid in my bed
13. I talked to Lindsay
14. I watched the snowplow
15. I stepped in salt w/ my slippers on
16. I recieved a tex message from my sister saying my stepdad came home drunk again and puked on the kitchen table and passed out on the floor
17. I talked w/ my sister on the phone-consoled her
18. I talked w/ my mom on the phone-told her I was very concerned
19. I wore my hot art injection tee-shirt
20. I washed my hair with 2 hands for the first time in a month
21. I thought about my future
22. I talked w/ Erin and Meara
23. I ate a blowpop and chewed the gum until it got really hard

Saturday, January 22, 2005

Sin Título

It was only a nightmare, but I was standing in a bedroom when a realization crept up on me that everything contained within began with the letter C. There was a cot cloaked in covers. The ceiling and the carpet were connected by the room's corners. There was a commode centered inside the closet. There were curtains, cabinets, and compact discs. There were cracks and crannies. Not only was there even a colander close to the chair, nor only that I was covered in clothing, but, for Christ's sake, my entire body was made up of cells. It was inescapable. Coats. Couches. Candles. Corkboards. Cats. Chests. Computers. They all began with C. I thought I saw a painting, but, as it unmistakably turned out, was nothing more than a caricature composed on a canvas. The more I looked, the more objects there were. I had never been rendered so completely helpless in my entire life.

Friday, January 21, 2005

This is for Nate and his lovely friend Quinn.

matts awesome shirt.
Originally uploaded by tubtub.

Some things never change...

Mollie and Meaghan.
Originally uploaded by marla1.

Some things never change.

Mollie and meg pop
Originally uploaded by marla1.
Today I got my little mitts on some precious momentos of my childhood. I'm on the left and my crazy younger sister Meaghan is on the right. For those of you who haven't had the pleasure to know me as long as Lindsay has, I'd like to point a few things out about myself (which happen to be illustrated so very nicely in these two pictures). I have always been enamored with sugar. Green popsicle, frosting, cake... I love it all (although I'm not a huge chocolate fan, I have my moments). I have always loved having my digits painted. Red, pink, purple, brown... it's just so hot. I have always been accident prone. The scab on my upper lip here is from my very first stitch-worthy injury. I jumped off of a trailer and landed face first into the hitch. heh. I have always loved to dance. DANCE DANCE. So. The next time you catch me in the frosting, or the next time I get an owie, or the next time I'm running around the house with my music cranked up and yelling 'I love to dance' you can think to yourself, 'Oh that Mollie. She can't even help herself. She's always been like this... silly girl.' On a side note, I had lunch with Jonathan today-Med Cafe rocks my world- and the hat party cd is done and it is soooo goood. I listened to some of it while eating my falafel. Also, I am really looking forward to our gathering tonight. The bros (pfffffffffffffffft) are gone, and remind me to have you all listen to todays horoscope... for real. You will be astounded at the freaky talents of the Post Bulletins psychics...

Thursday, January 20, 2005

I never loved a cat

marla sleeps
Originally uploaded by prancinponies.
until I met Marla.

berets are odd

i feel badly but i hate berets. i saw a young man wearing one on the bus and i felt as if it constructed his whole attitude. it doesn't seem fair, but i just hate berets.

Wednesday, January 19, 2005


I heard that word today for the first time in almost two years. English 442: Sex, Love, Friendship, and Family in 18th century lit. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless mind is required viewing. Awesome.


leatherman open
Originally uploaded by prancinponies.
The leatherman as a pliers. Could this be yours?


leatherman closed
Originally uploaded by prancinponies.
The initial discovery of this multifaceted incredi-tool occurred on the morning of January 17th. Inscription reads "Leatherman." It belongs to no one at Anticipation Station but Mollie wishes it did. That's why you have 30 days to claim it before it enters her toolbox and stays there forrrreeeeeevvvverrrrr.

Day Two of Frosting Withdrawl

Ladies and David Silverman Inc: Last night, in the midst of the slushy snowfall, I was consistantly thinking to myself, "Hey Mollie, maybe the weather will get real bad, and the snow will freeze on the roads, and create terrible driving conditions for the morning, and we WILL HAVE A SNOW DAY. perhaps. Yes. That would be good. hmm." Remember that? I think I was talking about it alot. So anyway, I went to bed, and although I was asleep, I remained very very aware every time a plow truck passed by... I think it happened 3 times. THEN, at 4 in the morning, I woke to the sound of shoveling... and I thought to myself, "Oh yeah. Total snow day. Oh yeah." I didn't sleep very well last night. So THEN at 7:15 I woke up, and ran into the kitchen and turned on the radio to see if school was canceled, and as I'm eating my Chex I'm thinking, "huh, no annoucements... hmm" But here's the thing. I totally knew I wouldn't get a snow day the whole time. We got like 2 inches of snow, and I go to college. Colleges don't really get snow days. Even last night, when I was talking about my beloved potential snow day to Meara, and she said "probably not gonna happen. sorry mollie." and I said "Oh now Meara, have a little faith... blah blah blah..." I knew it wasn't gonna happen. So the thing is, I'm really tired today, and it's all because I love those snow days so much that I lied to myself, and then I believed myself. Silly. I was telling this story to a guy at the bus stop this morning, and we commented on the nice weather and all, and then he started talking about how he hates winter, mostly because he doesn't like to wear clothes. And I laughed, and then I noticed his feet. The guy was wearing sandals. No socks. Naked toes, sandals. Mind you it really isn't that nice. So I asked the guy, "You're wearing sandals?" and he said, "Oh yeah, I don't like wearing shoes either. Or socks. heh." and he went on to tell me he's been wearing sandals all winter and "They're so comfey, don't you think?" and I said, "yeah, but I value my toes... not a fan of frostbite, you know?" Then his bus came. Silly. And another thing! I'm becoming increasingly pissed off about not being able to eat two handed foods. Food you need to use two hands to eat. I recall an incident in Chicago where I had an exceptionally difficult time with an amazing cheeseburger. And today, I made a wrap thing for lunch, expecting to roll it up and eat it like a burrito, and I had to pick the thing apart with a fork... it took way to long. It doesn't taste the same if you cannot eat it the way it was suppossed to be eaten. I had some bites with hummus, some without, spinach was everywhere. god what a mess. I have to go ice skating with Adam now.

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Formerly known as Regurgitation Station:

You are now semi-erotic.

Say, D

D Silverman, former resident of Conflagration Station, welcome.

I feel like baking a cake tonight.


connie is non stoppable

Monday, January 17, 2005

REd Sweatshirt

Originally uploaded by perplespoon.
Dance to cake

Jamons cake

Jamons cake
Originally uploaded by mmmollie.
happy birthdayyyyyy


uhoh. mollie got into the frosting again.

Welcome to Station Station

Station STATION station station station station station station STATION STATION STATION STATION station station station station station station station station station station station station station station station ! station station station station station station station station station station station station station station station