Station Station

Sunday, January 23, 2005

This is what I did today.

1. I woke up
2. I made pancakes
3. I took a bath
4. I cleaned the kitchen
5. I packed up Christmas and put it in the basement
6. I read about Women, art and Society in the Middle Ages
7. I smoked 3 cigarettes
8. I listened to public radio
9. I listened to Stereolab
10. I ate tomato soup w/ tofu vegetables and peanut butter and yogurt and ginger and garlic
11. I recieved a text message from my sisters boyfriend
12. I laid in my bed
13. I talked to Lindsay
14. I watched the snowplow
15. I stepped in salt w/ my slippers on
16. I recieved a tex message from my sister saying my stepdad came home drunk again and puked on the kitchen table and passed out on the floor
17. I talked w/ my sister on the phone-consoled her
18. I talked w/ my mom on the phone-told her I was very concerned
19. I wore my hot art injection tee-shirt
20. I washed my hair with 2 hands for the first time in a month
21. I thought about my future
22. I talked w/ Erin and Meara
23. I ate a blowpop and chewed the gum until it got really hard


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