Station Station

Wednesday, August 31, 2005


yoo hoo? anie bodie there?

BIKE FIXED. by man who once walked me home cause we were both wasted and he wanted to protect me cause i'm a girl and he was lonley and it was 3am. i didn't remind him. i just said thankyou.

LUNCH AWESOME. Baja chicken salad. check.

CANDY DANDY. haribo peaches. pow.

SCHOOL ATTENDED. yeooooooooooooooooow. it's a successful semester so far. (har har har. wicked)

in other news: ERINS BIKE GOT STOLEN. We're offering a reward of 2 dozen cupcakes and kisses from station station to whoever finds and beats up the fuckers that keep stealing our stuff. AND if you can find the people who keep looking into our windows/ trying to get inside/ breaking beer bottles on our sidewalk/ lawn/ throwing unbagged garbage in our trash bins/ lawn AND beat them up I will personally reward you with something so great you won't even be able to handle it.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

I need to plug my nose when I jump into the water. Otherwise it (the water) shoots up into my nasal cavity and makes me choke and cry.

IN OTHER NEWS: I have just ordered 4 new swimsuits. They will be at my doorstep within 3 business days. 2 are green and 2 are orange. I had to get 4 because I have no idea what size(s) I need. ANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNND... 2 of the 4 are one-pieces! That's right. I'm going to revive my one-piece days... oh the glory. I feel empowered. The one-piece swimsuit is very rare for someone my age... the one-piece swimsuit is usually reserved for little girls or old ladies or sport-swimmers... BUT I'm going to break all of the one-piece swimsuit rules. I'm going to wear my one-piece swimsuit, and be 22, and be lazy and not sporty in it. I'm going to grill cheeseburgers in it. I'm going to drink gatoraide and vodka in it. I'm going to shake sand out of it and hang it on the shower curtain rod to dry. THAT'S RIGHT. I'LL BE UN STOP ABLE. hah.

you know it.

improvised photo for armor treet.

These guns belong to GI Joe. The toy. They are toy guns. All American Hero.


I got some real life photographs developed at Walgreens today. There are three pictures of Erin and I experimenting with a can of armor treet... a processed meat product.

REMember that Erin?!? How we dumped it out of the can and it made a slurpy noise? Hah. And then we fried it up and cut it into little pieces?!? hah. Oh man. That was so nasty. And it smelled like a foul diner at station station for 3 days... ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. giggle.

Anyhow. I wanted to post a picture of armor treet on this here bloggy blog... but I couldn't find any photographs on the information superhighway. Boo-hoo. So I improvise.

MY POINT IS THIS. Armor treet is yucky stuff. It has mechanically seperated chicken parts. So I want a picture of it. END OF STORY. god.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005


The neighborhood
Originally uploaded by perplespoon.
there's too much to say. this place is funny and smart. you girls would love it.

Friday, August 12, 2005

dont mess 'round w/ Kevin Bacon

Originally uploaded by mmmollie.
If Kevin Bacon gets angry his retinas shoot out lasers... and he blows stuff up with his lasers... and he's our mascot... so other bike gangs betta step off.

attenTion station station shoppers.

#1. I have astigmatisim. My eyes are shaped like footballs. This is sad for me...
#2. dIET dR. pEPPER REALLY does TASTE MORE LIKE REGULAR! (send contradictions to: Station Station co Mollie and Erin)
#3. Erin is calling in sick for work today. Whoo!
#4. Dearest Meaghan got a job waitressing at Mr Pizza... this means free pizza for everyone.
#5. I have violated several traffic laws on my bike this week, and didn't get caught.
#6. Elliot eats the bees...
#7. I sold my pants to Lindsay, who lent them to Elliot, who kept them.
#8. I saw a very old man rollerblading the other day... it was rad.

. get crackin' get get crackin'.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

whoooooo goes there?

ATTENTION: there are bees in the bathroom. I repeat, there are bees in the bathroom. Sometimes they are dead. Sometimes they are alive.

FURTHERMORE: Need new nickname for new jerk. I'm thinking, Mister Idiot. Report back to me other suggestions.

AND THEN: I bought lemonade at a genuine lemonade stand Sunday. It was refreshing as all hell.

ONCE AGAIN: I am getting my haircut today. I am excited.

6: I just got my hair cut, and my lovely cutter of hair Josh and I chatted about glitter beards, astronauts, and candy. I love to get my hair cut.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

my week
Originally uploaded by mmmollie.

Day three

This was my day:
I ate too many cookies.

Someone told me my hair is a bit greasy (they touched it and said ew), but I still think it looks cute.

I dominated my religion final.

Time for drink and bubble bath. (but no shampoo! hah! SCIENCE RULES!)

don't want to leave air conditioned school building. but must.

Lake monster.


cash and carry.

Monday, August 01, 2005


In the name of science my partner and I have given up washing our hair. Forever. Unless it gets really gross.

Today is day two (kind of. I hadnt been wahing my hair for few days prior to the beginning of the science, so really, it's more like day five. But for our purposes my partner and I decided it was best to start day one on sunday, july 31)...

It's going well. My hair is easy to manipulate as it is caked with biking induced sweat. I think I look cute.

Tune tomorrow for day three!

brrrrr. the library is chilly.