Station Station

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

I got an AB in my writing class that I took this summer. hah.

Friday, July 15, 2005


PIZZA NOTHING! SUCKERS. I had a cheeseburger for lunch.

warning: this post is not witty

hey lindsay, do you have an wisc email address? i tried looking you up but maybe UW took away your email account already. i wanted to send you an email, but now im lost. can you help me?

f-ing f-ing f-ing f-ing f-ing

Dear Diary,
Still no work. I've been unemployed for 12 years now. It's all been downhill since I got laid-off from Kruse Lumber that fatefull day in March of '93. Why doesn't anyone want to hire me? Is it my giant stuffed animal in the back seat of my Honda Civic? Or could it be that flicker of danger in my eyes... sigh. One of these days... one of these days I'm going to get a real, bonafide job. Then no one will be able to stop me. I'll be dominating f-ing everything. One of these days.

Love, Mollie

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Someone stole all of the geese bodies and left the feet.

I don't like comments that have been removed. And I would prefer to bring the nasty instead of the beer. Dr. Officer.

I'm listening to Christmas mix number 2. (Our song is number 1) Its perfect.

I had pasta for breakfast.

Monday, July 11, 2005



all the posts belong to me. where did my stationites go? this sucks.

remind me to tell you about the artist in my moms backyard.

also, Budd's auto shop. perfect.

Thursday, July 07, 2005


Originally uploaded by mmmollie.
This is a firework. We totally dominated it.

Originally uploaded by mmmollie.
This is the beer jacket Erin found and fell in love with. Everyone was pleased with her for using it.


Originally uploaded by mmmollie.
This is me dominating the garage at the party.


Originally uploaded by mmmollie.
This is Rick Larson at my dad's 4th of July party. There are other pictures of him, but I think it's wise to maintain a bit of mystery with situations like these.


Originally uploaded by mmmollie.
My dad loved the pie I made. So did his lovely lady friend Carol. Here they are enjoying a slice in the kitchen. MMmmmm.


Originally uploaded by mmmollie.
I totally dominated the kitchen with my mad blueberry pie skills. That's right.

Originally uploaded by mmmollie.
Erin and Michael totally dominated Matts car with a hose and soapy water.


Originally uploaded by mmmollie.
I gave Erin a tour of downtown Rochester. She found a wheelchair (surprise surprise!). Then she totally dominated it.


Originally uploaded by mmmollie.
At my dads house. With my most cherished coffee mug, Sunday morning. Erin and I had terrible colds.


Originally uploaded by mmmollie.
Not only was the Walker open. It was free.


Originally uploaded by mmmollie.


Originally uploaded by mmmollie.
I dominate the dock AND the lake. Oh yeah.


Originally uploaded by mmmollie.
Erin is dominating the boat. Oh yeah.


Originally uploaded by mmmollie.
Erin on dock. Shunning. Her towel had a unicorn on it. Mine had darth mol.


Originally uploaded by mmmollie.
Erin on the deck enjoying the breeze and sunshine of our first morning of shun.


Originally uploaded by mmmollie.
When we got to the cabin there was this awful metal hat thing lying around. Erin and I took turns wearing it. It makes you feel like a robot.

How to vacate.

How to vacate.
Originally uploaded by mmmollie.


Originally uploaded by mmmollie.
When E and I first vacated we stayed at my dad's house for a night. He got me my fave tofu, and put a frowny face on the box AND called it crap. Meg said he was going to write shit. hah. My dad doesn't like tofu very much.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

kiss kiss and dj skittles

Erin asked me if I deleted the angry 4th of July post this morning. heh. Just did it... now station station is a happy place once again.

I realized this week that I swear alot. I'm cutting back. Less swearing more kissing! Or, less swearing more candy! Or, less swearing more flossing! Or, less swearing more humming! I'm going to kiss everyone from now on. Whot?! WHOT!?


I'm going to make a blueberry pie.


Monday, July 04, 2005


Whaaaaaa! Rick Larson is at my house. RIGHT NOW! I'm hiding in the backyard.

Sunday, July 03, 2005

Hamms dominate everything cont

Originally uploaded by mmmollie.
By the way. The Hamms have a mascot. His name is Kevin Bacon. Erin and I are passionate about him. He will aid in our domination. KICK ASS.

Hamms dominate everything

here is how it has been at station vacation station
1. say bye to lindsay
2. borrow matts wonderful, amazing sturdy super-duper toyota corolla
3. vacate
3a. how to vacate: follow directions from mollie's dad 94 to 52 and 52 to 94 and 169 becomes 101 or something 18/6 and 7. south inguadona road, almost there! slow on the gravel and watch for napoleon dynamite's grandma on an ATV
4a. how to shun: get wasted on miller lite and jack daniels after 6 (?) hours of driving
put on the cool new metal hat, what the fuck
pass out
wake up to sunrise and go to the narrows for greasy breakfast
bye fudge and other stuff, spent less than $4. from stupid indian store (dont put your fingers in the candle display! dont play with the volume!)
lay on dock for 6 hours and get burned and some swimming inbetween
narrows for cheesburger, fries and bloody marys
oh shit. we are sick but who cares. lay around and listen to the life story of the beautiful and powerful sandra day o conner
play dress up and head for the big fish
picnic at big fish with ice cream
awesome walker not only was it open it was free
take drugs at dads house
watch shitty movies and naked boys dancing and crying and holding one another (vh1)
to be continued. . . . . ...... .. . .