Station Station

Sunday, July 03, 2005

Hamms dominate everything

here is how it has been at station vacation station
1. say bye to lindsay
2. borrow matts wonderful, amazing sturdy super-duper toyota corolla
3. vacate
3a. how to vacate: follow directions from mollie's dad 94 to 52 and 52 to 94 and 169 becomes 101 or something 18/6 and 7. south inguadona road, almost there! slow on the gravel and watch for napoleon dynamite's grandma on an ATV
4a. how to shun: get wasted on miller lite and jack daniels after 6 (?) hours of driving
put on the cool new metal hat, what the fuck
pass out
wake up to sunrise and go to the narrows for greasy breakfast
bye fudge and other stuff, spent less than $4. from stupid indian store (dont put your fingers in the candle display! dont play with the volume!)
lay on dock for 6 hours and get burned and some swimming inbetween
narrows for cheesburger, fries and bloody marys
oh shit. we are sick but who cares. lay around and listen to the life story of the beautiful and powerful sandra day o conner
play dress up and head for the big fish
picnic at big fish with ice cream
awesome walker not only was it open it was free
take drugs at dads house
watch shitty movies and naked boys dancing and crying and holding one another (vh1)
to be continued. . . . . ...... .. . .


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