Station Station

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

There is no greater King than King.... RON.

Things I need:

To go to the post office
Someone to come to my house and take care of me because I am very sick. They need to provide tv on dvd though. That's the only way I'll get better.
A new screen for the kitchen window
Someone to cover for me at work tonight(cause I'm sick)
My ability to scream and yell and laugh (can't do it anymore cause I'm sick)

Things that are my favorite:

Muffin: almond poppyseed
Jelly: Lemon
Uncle: Mark (or Jon... that's a tough one)
Cat: Marla
Flower: my amazing gladiolas
King: Ron
Juice: Kool-aid
Food: Rice (I'm going to change my name to Mollie Rice Christmas)
Shoes: Green
Scar: The one on my knee from jumping down the capitol steps

AND BIG BIG BIG NEWS! Hepzibah is moving to Madison in July/ Aug.! YAY!


At 9:24 AM, Blogger mmmollie said...

JAMON that is awesome. Speaking of squirrels (which I decided I hate), yesterday on my way to the clinic I was walking along the capitol square, and I saw a squirrel running in front of me with something in its mouth. I stopped, because the thing it was carrying was huge, and upon closer inspection I found that the squirrel was carrying a dead squirrel. Disgusting, eh?


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