Station Station

Saturday, December 24, 2005

I have realized that I have a special relationship with Lindsay Lueders feet.

Ex a) The Connies. Oh that dance. How I long to see that dance and hear the connies song.

Ex b) "Lindsay Wears Her Pants" A drawing about LAL. Wearing her pants. but pointing at her shoes. Which are really the focal point in my mind. Actually maybe it's all about the pants. nm.

moving on...
Ex c) Lindsays boots in "The Death of Crusty Eyes Gurney." See: the death of crusty eyes gurney. Right below this post.

Ex d) Lindsays BLUE SNEAKERS. I love love love those sneakers.

Ex e) One time I called LAL up to tell her about some purple shoes in a catalog. BEcause I felt that strongly about her owning these shoes. She needed them, and I had to make sure she bought them. So I CALLED her. Take it for what you'd like, but don't underestimate the power of a telephone call.

Ex F) Lindsay Lueders now owns my favorite pair of black mary-janes. Coincidence? HECK NO.

Ex G) Lindsay Lueders used to use my nail polish to paint her toenails. AND SHE LIKED IT.

and now we see a handfull of digital photographs of Lindsay Lueders feet, stockinged or shoed on station station.

i THINK I've made my case. HAPPY CHRISTMAS EVE!


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