Station Station

Friday, April 14, 2006

To Lindsay,

Elliot is very handsome these days, as he grows from a small kitten into a mature adult. His fur is as soft as it has ever been and he spends a lot of time licking it so that it stays soft and shiny. Occasionaly he will lick his paw and wipe his nose. We all do the best we can, and for elliot, picking his nose is not as easy as it is for people to do. During the day he spends his time lounging around the house and asking Marla what is growing on her belly. Marla doesn't respond, she just sits on his face. Elliot is a really good jumper, too. Sometimes when he is in battle with Big Marla, he will jump and flip 3 feet in the air! When this happens, Mollie and I watch and Mollie sometimes misses class because his jumping is so good. Elliot does have some problems but that is because he is an outdoor cat. He cries and causes trouble in the house because he knows that his true heart belongs outside. I would let him roam and be free, except I think he would get hit by a car within 10 minutes or less. He is adapting to home life, however, by eating cereal when he is hungry because Marla eats all the cat food. Marla is only doing the best she can, too, and I love her. Elliot is the best purr-er.


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