Station Station

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Dear Station, station

1. What DO YOU think about 'hip' art, besides that its disposable?

2. Where is our garbage disposal?

3. Articulate why: At the same moment you open your eyes from sleep, you are panic-stricken, every morning.

4. What DO YOU think about milk that is dirty from your cereal?

5. Well, I'm going down to Florida and get some sand in my shoes

6. Were churi's mittens lost, left, or stolen?

7. Shes the fastest train on the line. YOUR MOM!

8. Everyroommate homeonatuesday morning, makes mehappy

9. I miss wagonwheel. what

10. Genres of Asian religious writing in. . . . .23 minutes, i wish i was the moon tonight, now. sleepy moon

11. Elliot feels 100%


At 8:09 PM, Blogger mmmollie said...

1. hip to the hippity hop
2. monday baby
3. i don't... i open my eyes and sing
4. i drink it
5. i will come with you. i will wear my one-piece swimsuit
8. meeeeeeeeee too.
9. wagon wheel is the coolestest. rockmebabylike un.
10. glad I'm not in that class
11. LIAR!

Also. I had bacon for breakfast.


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